Say the magic word
Say the magic word

say the magic word

So, for example, if someone points out Isaiah 53:5 to my friend, which says “by His stripes we are healed,” and promises she can claim healing of any and every pain or ailment, what happens when nothing happens? This wrong-headed promise tempts people to conclude that God is not good, and He is not faithful, because He didn’t keep His word. And if we come up with an understanding or application of a verse that is contradicted by other passages in scripture, we need to jettison our wrong thinking.

say the magic word

One of the most basic principles of Bible reading and study is that “context is king.” We must never wrench verses out of their surrounding paragraphs, chapters, and books. They do, however, result in major disappointment when people are taught unrealistic expectations of God about promises He never made. Just say the magic words, like waving a magic wand, and POOF! you’re healed! Who wouldn’t want to go that far, far easier route? It’s certainly an appealing idea, bypassing the hard soul work of grieving and forgiving to get to the prize of a healed heart at peace. It’s a religious version of “wishing will make it so,” having morphed into “speaking will make it so.” This wrong thinking can range from an unfortunate misunderstanding of the Scriptures to a blasphemous presumption that creatures can create reality by the power of their words-just like God did when He spoke creation into existence by the power of His word. This lady has bought into the dangerous (and unbiblical) “word of faith” theology (WOF) that puts faith in one’s words instead of in God Himself. Just speak your inner healing into existence! Declare that you are healed and whole in Jesus’ name!” You don’t need to go around digging up the past like you’re doing. But one of her friends recently gave her some disheartening counsel: “Oh, there’s a spirit of grief harassing you.

Say the magic word full#

She knows that she needs to accept the full impact what happened to her in order to grieve it and forgive the people who wounded her so she can walk in freedom. One of my friends is doing the hard work of facing the devastating effects of childhood abuse and various unspeakable horrors.

Say the magic word