Font picker
Font picker

font picker

The message that we want to put through is the most important part of any document.

  • FontBackgroundColor – Allows to control the font background color by applying inline elements with a background-color in the style attribute.
  • FontColor – Allows to control the font color by applying inline elements with a color in the style attribute.
  • FontSize – Allows to control the font size by applying inline elements that either have a CSS class or a font-size in the style attribute.
  • FontFamily – Allows to change the font family by applying inline elements with a font-family in the style attribute.
  • The plugin enables the following features in the rich-text editor: Different font colors can work as markers and guides just like font background colors, that stand out even more and draw attention. main text and a side quotation or a recap). Using different font families can help differentiate between sections of the content that serve various purposes (e.g. Font size setting can be applied globally or to a selected part of the text only making it catch the eye of the reader. The font styles, just like the basic text styles can serve numerous purposes. The font feature provides extended text formatting options for the document content.
  • Changing the geometry of the color grid.
  • Configuring the font color and font background color features.
  • Suggestions and contributions are always welcome! Please discuss larger changes via issue before submitting a pull request.
  • View the rendered component on localhost:3000.
  • Generate the library bundle: yarn start.
  • Clone this repository: git clone REPO_URL.

    setOnChange(onChange: (font: Font) => void): Update the onChange function after the font picker has been initialized.setActiveFont(fontFamily: string): Sets the provided font as the active font.getActiveFont(): Returns the font object of the currently active font.removeFont(fontFamily: string): Removes the specified font from the font list.

    font picker

    addFont(fontFamily: string, index?: number): Adds the specified font to the font list (at the given index).

    font picker

    getFonts(): Returns a map of all font names/objects.The FontPicker class exposes the following functions: onChange: Function to execute whenever the active font is changed.Possible values: "alphabet", "popularity". sort: Sorting attribute for the font list.limit: Maximum number of fonts to display in the list (the least popular fonts will be omitted).Example: If font => ().startsWith("m"), only fonts whose names begin with "M" will be in the list filter: Function which must evaluate to true for a font to be included in the list.variants: Array of variants which the fonts must include and which will be downloaded on font selection.scripts: Array of scripts which the fonts must include and which will be downloaded on font selection.Possible values: "sans-serif", "serif", "display", "handwriting", "monospace". categories: Array of font categories to include in the list.families: If only specific fonts shall appear in the list, specify their names in an array.YOUR_API_KEY, // Google API key "Open Sans", // Default font, use #font-picker-main and. Include the script in your HTML at the end of the document :


  • Using script tags: Download the FontPicker.js file from the releases page and save it in your project.
  • You have the following options for installing/using the package: To be able to access the API, you'll need to generate a Google Fonts API key. If you use React, see Font Picker for React.
  • Efficient font previews (full fonts are only downloaded on selection).
  • Automatic font download and generation of the required CSS selectors.
  • A simple, customizable font picker allowing users to preview, select and use Google Fonts on your website.

    Font picker