Didn't see a way to snap the lines together, like in 2D. Warning, there has been a big change between version 0.16 and version 0.17: videos or explanations concerning 0.16 may no longer be valid from version 0.17. When zoomed in I could see the lines weren't connected. Preliminary I.1.a Installation Installation (version 0.19 in October 2020): see this page. The display was too small to see the endpoints.

Please feel free to modify and add files to this repo as you wish, it is just a temporary repo until this feature is ready to be merged. huge library of free CAD blocks and free vector art for you to choose from. A 'Getting-started-wizard' for FreeCAD, with a goal of flattening the learning curve, and give new users an easier road learning FreeCAD. Had difficulty getting the lines to actually connect to each other. To get started with any kind of mehndi art or design you have to learn the. Took me a while just to figure out how the pan the drawing! This book teaches you the basics you need to know to start using FreeCAD with easy to understand, step-by-step tutorials. Seems like the default settings are a bit weird. But can't seem to get through it, since the interfaces seem to be different. It is easy to create custom windows by first creating a sketch on a face, then turning it into a window by selecting it, then pressing the window button. Where to really start? Modeling parts? I had started with Creating a simple part with PartDesign v0.17. Going to the Tutorials page, there are 10 topics. Previously had 0.18, but couldn't get very far with it.
#Freecad getting started install
I've managed to install v0.19 on my Linux computer. I've soldiered along using LibreCad for a while, but I would like to be able to model my parts in 3D as they have been getting more complicated.