To access a private Ninox instance please contact us at for further information Connecting to the Ninox cloud database Ninox Database – Manual / API / Get started Private Ninox Instance Credentials
Details on how to do this can be found in the Ninox documentation at: To access a Ninox cloud database you will need to obtain an API key for your account. Obtaining these will depend on whether you are accessing a database in the Ninox public cloud or you have a private Ninox instance. Security credentials are required in order to use the Ninox connectors. Select it to access its properties in the property panel. The connection will appear in the CONNECTIONS drawer of the object browser. To add a connector to your project open the CONNECTIONS drawer in the object browser, select the appropriate entry from the dropdown box and click the plus button:

There are three different Ninox connections: The Ninox connections allow data to be read from and written to a Ninox cloud database.